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For more than 20 years, Babbage Company has been connecting organisations with marketing, communication and online professionals. Making us a reliable partner, with our own distinctive recruitment vision. Whether you are interested in executive search, recruitment and selection, secondment or interim management. We are constantly on the lookout for experienced and motivated professionals to strengthen our network. In this way, we find the best matches, together. 

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Babbage Company

Our network


Are you looking to take the next step in your career, or to take on a challenging project? We are here to help you. 

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Business partners

Looking for the right marketing and communications professional? We specialise in interim management, secondment and recruitment and selection.

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Keep up-to-date with the latest trends in the field. Our academy offers a broad selection of masterclasses and workshops.

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Babbage Academy


Maatwerkprogramma Woordvoerder

Wil jij je (door)ontwikkelen als woordvoerder? Babbage Academy helpt je daarbij! Of je al ervaring hebt als woordvoerder of je als communicatieprofessional wilt ontwikkelen, samenmet jou stellen we een maatwerkprogramma op die precies voorziet in jouw leerbehoefte!
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